Research Papers on Sociology require the writer to disassociate oneself from the common societal and cultural influences. The subject matter in research papers on sociology always pertains to common rituals and practices dealing with family, kinship, marriage, hierarchy etc which are routinely practiced by each individual. While identifying, researching and writing about a certain set of people, the writer is bound to get biased based by his own influences. This predisposition will add color to the writing but take the essence of sociological writing away.
While writing Research Papers on Sociology, the researcher must understand and adhere to the basic principle of writing a research document i.e. stating the facts and the premise and then evaluating it based on empirical evidence. In Sociology this becomes very fiddly as one is accustomed to observing a certain ritual or activity in a certain manner and considers it to be ideal and supreme. Leaving behind personal influences; observing, identifying and specifying the data point with objectivity is indispensible to good sociological writing.
Another problem that a writer faces in writing research papers on sociology is distinguishing two influences without omitting the influence of one on the other in identifying practices of a social group. Being objective helps in following a scientific and rational approach in breaking down the evidence in question. This adds clarity in writing and stating facts for the reader in a comprehensive manner without evaluating the negatives and positives.
Hence, research papers on sociology must be free from judgment and be completely based on stating facts objectively soaked in history-determining evolution and growth of rituals, geography- need for those customs due to environmental factors, polity- role of each individual in the setup, economy and psychology. Research papers on sociology are like an encyclopedia and the all encompassing nature calls for keeping prejudice at bay.