You are sitting right in front of the person who is primarily going to decide whether you are ‘that’ lucky person who will outbreak all the competition and emerge as a candidate who wins his heart. The interviewer has to be not just explained what he demands but also be convinced with your interpretations of the ideas that are being conversed about at that very moment. Fundamentally, the presentation of yourself is the deciding factor that bases interaction between you and the jury panel. However, there is something more important than everything else that concludes your result in your examination during the interview; that is the ‘projection’ of your words!
It is a imperative that the behavior of a human fluctuates and meanders owing to the time guidelines that follows with the human psyche simultaneously. That is what a student who goes for an interview must understand- To win the interviewer’s heart at every cost; even when his mood may not be in your favor to hire you. Therefore, the student has to gel with his mood, get absorbed in his character and try to understand what his requirements are. This should necessarily not be confused with losing your identity; what is required here is to be decently flexible to the situation that we must respect for in order to enter the door.
A student should never succumb to others ideas and suggestions easily; he must respect his own ideas and philosophy and retain his originality. At the very time of an interview, he must respect the interviewer’s ideas simultaneously but also project his original ideas in a way that does not conflict with the former. To illustrate this, a student may say, “I do respect your ideas sir and pose to be very pragmatic, but I feel that my execution had been a result of time factor that best suited to the circumstance.” To end all debates he may also say, “I am thankful to you for the most apt suggestion you have offered me for the occasion and I assure you to follow it when and where the time demands.”
Students must contain an appetite for their will powers that drive them to their potential abilities. To be capable of doing things is a matter of the ‘ability’ a person encompasses within that originates only from his will power. This is exactly how you crack a hard nut!