Monday, June 7, 2010

Individual Values and Society

Values are things or acts which are chosen by and are desirable to an individual or to society within a certain frame of reference. Business papers highlight both objects and acts-material things like Currency or Picasso Paintings and immaterial qualities like the goodness of a charitable act as all these are obviously values. There is always an element of choice. Business papers emphasis that where there is no choice, there is only necessity, not value. On reading our Business Papers you will understand that whatever is taken for granted has no value. To a perfectly healthy person or animal, health is not a value but it is simply taken care of by biological functions. Only when we envisage possible danger and can do something about it does health become a value. Prolongation of human life is possible; physical immortality is not. The first is a value, not the second. We have to pay for food, not for breathing air; therefore, the first has value, the second does not, even though it is equally indispensible for life.

This criterion applies to actions. In the course of a day, we perform innumerable actions which have no value involvement at all. Only where there is both choice and preferably do value judgments appear. Nobody cares what way a person choose to arrive at the office but consistently coming late or early is evaluated. On the other hand, if a person falls into the river and saves himself by swimming, this is not considered to be a moral act because it is pre-supposed that there is no choice between drowning and swimming. If another person falls into the river and you save him, you may get a medal because it is presupposed that you had a choice and took the socially desirable action.
Pleasure, social virtues, goodness, truth, beauty and deity, is based on approved notions of society and individuals act accordingly to get approval, acceptance and recognition. The ultimate aim of the individuals is to make stable society for effective living based on common values.


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