Sunday, April 11, 2010

Learning through Online education system

Learning, as we all know is an interactive process. In a traditional class room situation a teacher communicates with students to aid learning. It has been so for centuries but now computers have revolutionized education. The teaching interface in unison with technology based interactive mechanism, built through multifaceted video, audio, computer and networking technologies has made all that seemed impossible, possible. As soon as you log on the designated site at the appointed time you have access to the virtual classroom. Much different topological geography may separate the teacher and the taught but each one can view the other, hear the voice clearly and interact well throughout. Can we then predict with certainty that in coming years as the technology gets more refined the virtual classroom will no longer be a sheer figment of our imagination but a reality. At present online education is limited to tutorials on one to one ratio of child and teacher.

Online education is entitled by different names like web based-education, computer-mediated education, virtual education, online education and internet-based education; primarily they stand for the same thing-education through computer internet. All the educational content is passed on as text and classroom teaching is through whiteboard and lecture method. The facility of education is now available all day all time and at any place through computer and internet. Classrooms have now reached homes. The existing online educational institutes offer students the facility of internet resource library. At present it is presumed that college going students will benefit more from online learning centers than school going children because they are able to make intelligent choices. Moreover students for whom school was an impossible dream because of personal circumstances can enroll in online educational programmes and study from home.
Educational method is more democratic now. The policies were democratic but not the implementation. Technology has reached the remotest child with education at the door steps.


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