Thursday, September 30, 2010

Insight into problem solving

The three major components of thought are images, concepts, and language. Directed thinking is aimed at solving a particular problem or reaching a certain goal. Logical thinking which adheres to rules of reasoning is one method of accomplishing this. Logical thinking often takes the form of a series of statements, which, if accurate and combined correctly, lead to a logical conclusion.
Various factors can affect problem solving. Anxiety, anger, and frustration may make a problem more difficult to solve, or they may increase efficiency in working out a solution to a problem. The way you are used to perceiving certain situations as a result of experience can also affect the way the problem is approached.
Not all forms of problem solving take place by means of thought especially in the fields if invention and science, where a kind of thinking is often necessary that gets at the solution to a problem by a path that is different from purely directed thinking. This sort of thinking is called creative, is to some extent directed thinking. What is different about this kind of problem solving is insight, a seemingly arbitrary flash that presents out of the blue, in the form of a solution to the problem.
This type of thinking is explained in terms of inspiration. Here first all the necessary preparation for a new work is carried out but the solution is not in sight. This is followed by a period of incubation. Now the individual is not actively or consciously thinking about the problem. However in the subconscious mind the process of problem solving is going on. It takes you to the third stage of illumination, where the seemingly spontaneous appearance of the creative insight or solution is found. In the last stage verification, the solution is tested against the criteria of the problem.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conflict within Self

Conflicts arise when a person faces two incompatible demands, opportunities, needs, or goals. There is no complete solution to conflicts; the individual must either give up one of his goals, modify one or both, delay one, or learn to live with the fact that neither is fully satisfied.
The concept can be understood through an example; recently married women may want to pursue a career, but also wants to raise a family. A rational person, she considers the alternatives. She could accept a job now and delay having children, or she could have children now and look for work when children start going to school. Alternatively, she could modify both goals by hiring a housekeeper and working part-time. Or she and her husband could share child-care duties. Here the solutions are numerous. This is approach-approach conflict.
The reverse of the dilemma is avoidance-avoidance conflict when a person is faced with two undesirable or threatening possibilities. When caught in such a situation most people try to escape the situation. If escape is impossible they will cope with the situation in a number of ways, depending on the severity of the conflict. The student who much chooses between studying something he finds terribly boring and flunking an exam will probably decide to study. But the choice is not always easy.
In approach avoidance conflicts an individual is both attracted and repelled by the same goal, are rarely so easily resolved. A football player recovering from an operation may want to return to his team, but knows he may limp for the rest of his life if he is injured again. Here the person will approach the goal until he reaches the point where the two gradients intersect. Afraid to go any closer, he will stop, fall back, approach again, continuing to vacillate until he is forced to make a decision or until the situation changes.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mental flexibility in food management

Mental flexibility determines ways of thinking and is thus directly connected with a person’s attitudes and philosophy of life. Mental flexibility, the attitude of readiness and willingness to face possible change, helps a person to see and plan ahead, and, what is more important, to adjust and control the plan as action takes place. This saves time. .

Flexibility in planning is called for in many areas of food management. Situations are constantly arising that makes it necessary to change menu patterns and homemakers must be prepared to make substitutions when the need arises. This involves knowing what foods can be satisfactorily substituted from the standpoint of nutrition and cost as well as combining well with the rest of the menu.
Sometimes flexibility is needed in adjusting the method of food preparation to lower time costs. Within all homes, constant adjustments are being made as plans are being evolved or carried out. The flexible-minded and adaptable homemaker is able to reduce time and conserve energy through her ability to reshape or adjust plans as the work of the day goes forward.
Dovetailing is fitting together parts of an operation in such a way that the results will be unified and easy-moving whole. In solving problems in home-making, dovetailing parts of or whole operations as plans are made or work goes forward tends to reduce time and energy input and at the same time produces a smoother running home.
It may be used both in the purchasing and the preparation of foods. Dovetailing is purchasing means planning and buying in quantities that will be adequate for more than one or two meals; Dovetailing in preparation means getting larger quantities of certain foods ready, a portion of which will be used in one form one day and in a different form on a later day. Dovetailed meal-planning or menu-making can be used without sacrificing adequate variety to satisfy individual taste.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Changes in levels of Consumption

Industrialization through science and improved methods of production and communication has made available a tremendous stock of goods from which people may choose in order to satisfy their wants. The active and potential wants of individuals are constantly changing as they are confronted with this wide variety of choices. Thus the level of consumption or manner of living constantly changes.

Level of consumption is not synonymous with standard of living, although it is its basis. A standard of living is a psychical fact. It is an attitude toward, a way of regarding, or of judging, a given mode of living. It is a subjective view of certain objective facts. The manner or level of consumption comprises these objective facts.
The standard of living is the satisfaction which is considered essential by an individual or a group. Such satisfactions make up an organic whole. It differs from a scale or way of living, which is merely the goods and services actually consumed; the dozens of eggs, the pairs of shoes etc. Scale or plane of living is the materially measurable form of the standards.
The level of consumption, or the content of the inventory of commodities used by the majority of families today, has increased and improved, largely because mass production had made more goods available for all. The standard, along with the level of consumption for a person has improved throughout the history of mankind.
Advertising is the method devised by industry to acquaint consumers with products. It has potent effect upon the level of consumption. Radio and television advertising, which reaches into practically every home, attempts to persuade the consumer to buy some article, or to change from one to another, or to change the brand. The advertiser has recognised the high place prestige and personal appeal hold for the individual and makes definite and constant appeal to emotional evaluation and personal gratification.
Hence advertising has accelerated the movement for change in the content of the family’s inventory, and, together with constantly increasing and rapidly changing stocks of commodities, has made intelligent buying ever more difficult for the family.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reference Groups

One of the most persuasive groups to which an individual belongs or wishes to belong is a reference group. Reference groups may be as large as an entire citizenry or as small as a bridge club. Reference groups influence both a person’s attitude and his behaviour. In our Affordable Research Papers related to this topic we will briefly describe some aspects of this forceful group.
A reference group can simply be thought of as a group which serves as a standard or model for an individual’s own behaviour and attitudes. As the name implies, it is a group to which a person refers or ‘looks up to’ for guidance and evaluation of his own thoughts and actions. Reference groups are very effective in changing attitudes and behaviour, because people value the group and tend to evaluate themselves in comparison with it.
Reference group influences us in all spheres of life. Affordable research papers highlight the concept through marketing example. In the marketplace, some products and brands lend themselves readily to reference group pressures; whereas other products and brands are less susceptible. A survey research result on the issue is very crucial.
Where neither product nor brand appears to be associated strongly with reference group influence, advertising should emphasize the product’s attributes, intrinsic qualities, price and advantages over competitive products.
Where reference group influence is operative, the advertiser should stress the kinds of people who buy the products, reinforcing, and broadening where possible, the existing stereotypes of users. This involves learning what the stereotypes are and what specific reference groups enter into picture so that appeals can be tailored to each major group reached by the different media employed.
Since people have several reference groups, the marketing communicator must identify the primary reference group which people use in evaluating his firm’s product. The importance of this information is highly relevant to the design and implementation of marketing communication programs.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Open Door Policy in Management

In our cheap custom papers you will read about open door policies in management. An open-door policy is a statement in which employees are encouraged to come to their supervisors of higher managers with any matter that concerns them. Usually employees are encouraged to see their supervisor first. If their problem is not resolved by the supervisor, then higher management is approached. The goal is to remove blocks to upward communication. It is a worthy goal, but it is not easy to implement because there, more often are psychological barriers between managers and employees. Although the manager’s door is physically open, but due to the psychological and social barriers which exist, that makes the employees reluctant to enter. Some employees hesitate to be singled out as lacking information or having a problem. Others are afraid they will incur their manager’s disfavour.
Cheap custom papers also deal with management topics. Sometimes an open-door policy is used to mask a manager’s own hesitancy to make contact with those beyond the door. On the other hand, a genuine open door can be a real aid to upward communication. The true test is whether the manager behind the door has an open-door attitude and whether employees feel psychologically free to enter.
In our cheap custom papers related to this topic we will further enlighten you that an even more effective open door policy is for mangers to walk through their doors and come out among their people. This way they learn more than they ever will by remaining in their offices.
Some organizations encourage telephone calls or personal contacts with their personnel director or communication director. The director then gives management inputs about employees’ interests and problems. If a response to an identified employee is required, the director secures it and makes a return call to the employee. Whatever the approach used, the objective is to show employees that management has an open door that is receptive to employee questions and comments.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fatigue at industrial work

Welfare is a convenient term to cover all those aspects of industrial life which contribute to the well-being of the worker. Cheap custom papers reflect more on this issue. Employer must obviously have some social responsibility to the community to prevent his factory becoming a source of danger or of disease. But beyond that he has a moral responsibility to the individual employee whose life he largely controls. The worker normally spends about one-third of his total working life in the factory. He has, therefore, every right to demand that the conditions under which he does so should be reasonable and provide proper safeguard for life, and health.

Unfortunately, even today many workplaces have been made without thought for even the minimum degree of comfort and efficiency of those who will work in them. The posture and movements of the worker largely determines the extent of fatigue caused by physical work. Much unnecessary waste of energy and consequent fatigue can be eliminated by improving existing equipment or environment. Modern changes in the factory can be read in our cheap custom papers. The modern science of Ergonomics is concerned with the designing of machines to adapt them to human physiological needs. But even the best designed machine will not fit every worker and close observation is necessary to note adjustments which can help the individual worker, such an alteration in the height of controls or provision of a raised platform to stand on. It is not the work of the personnel officer to redesign machines and controls, but he can point out to those who are responsible how the individual worker can be saved fatigue, and indeed be made more efficient on the job.
A change of posture from standing to sitting, or sitting to standing, or a certain amount of walking can give welcome relaxation to cramped muscles during working hours. Choice of posture should, if possible be available to the individual worker. Read all this in our cheap custom papers related to Fatigue at Industrial Work.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Individual Values and Society

Values are things or acts which are chosen by and are desirable to an individual or to society within a certain frame of reference. Business papers highlight both objects and acts-material things like Currency or Picasso Paintings and immaterial qualities like the goodness of a charitable act as all these are obviously values. There is always an element of choice. Business papers emphasis that where there is no choice, there is only necessity, not value. On reading our Business Papers you will understand that whatever is taken for granted has no value. To a perfectly healthy person or animal, health is not a value but it is simply taken care of by biological functions. Only when we envisage possible danger and can do something about it does health become a value. Prolongation of human life is possible; physical immortality is not. The first is a value, not the second. We have to pay for food, not for breathing air; therefore, the first has value, the second does not, even though it is equally indispensible for life.

This criterion applies to actions. In the course of a day, we perform innumerable actions which have no value involvement at all. Only where there is both choice and preferably do value judgments appear. Nobody cares what way a person choose to arrive at the office but consistently coming late or early is evaluated. On the other hand, if a person falls into the river and saves himself by swimming, this is not considered to be a moral act because it is pre-supposed that there is no choice between drowning and swimming. If another person falls into the river and you save him, you may get a medal because it is presupposed that you had a choice and took the socially desirable action.
Pleasure, social virtues, goodness, truth, beauty and deity, is based on approved notions of society and individuals act accordingly to get approval, acceptance and recognition. The ultimate aim of the individuals is to make stable society for effective living based on common values.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Psychology: Resources to Modern Man

The problems of the twentieth century are problems of human relations quite as much as problems of technology. In modern life many professional resources are available to the individual who needs assistance in solving his problems. He can go to the lawyer for legal advice, consult a medical practitioner for physical ailments, have an architect design his home and obtain the services of innumerable other specialists for other special problems. As psychology has come to age, people have turned increasingly to professional psychologists and other qualified counsellors for help with marital, occupational, and educational problems.

Psychologists give out counselling for educational, occupational, and martial planning or help with problems. It is an assistance extended to individuals to make plans or solve particular personal problem. It is task centred and usually of short duration. Typically it begins with assessment of the individuals’ needs and resources, continues with clarification of alternative courses open to individual and terminates when a decision is reached, perhaps with a follow-up report session.
Psychotherapy is aimed at personality change and more effective methods of coping with problems. It may take the form of individual or group therapy or a combination of the two. Specific goals vary, depending on the client’s problem and life situation.
Group therapy is helpful for people with many kinds of problems. It provides a miniature laboratory of life where the group members can gain insight into their own behaviour and try out new and more effective coping patterns. Where the group consist of family members, the focus may also be on achieving more effective functioning of the marital or family group.
Modern psychology has resources through which individuals can be helped to achieve greater fulfilment of their potentialities and a richer and more satisfying life. Psychology helps the modern man through personal adjustment and growth, and solution to the specific problem.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Managerial Strategy for Self Actualizing Man

More many decades now psychologists studying human behaviour in organizations have come to Mayo’s conclusion that man strongly wants to promote or cultivate his full potential; our cheap term papers conceptualizes that organizational life particularly in industry has removed meaning from work. In our cheap term papers you will find that this loss of meaning is not related so much to man’s social needs as to man’s inherent need to use his capacities and skills in a mature and productive way.
Cheap term papers about Self Actualization will elaborate that for Argyris, Maslow, McGregor and others who tend towards this point of view the problem is that most jobs in modern industry are so specialized or fragmented that they neither permit the worker to use his capacities nor enable him to see the relationship between what he is doing and the total organizational mission. Through cheap term papers on Self Actualization you will learn that even the lowliest untalented man seeks self-actualization, a sense of meaning and accomplishment in his work if his other needs are more or less fulfilled.
Our Cheap term papers cover the fact that man is primarily self-motivated and self-controlled; externally imposed incentives and controls are likely to threaten the person and reduce him to a less mature adjustment. In our cheap term papers you will learn that self-actualization is always evolving. Man in such an environment happily makes use of his abilities for the common good, the man progresses and so does the organization.
Cheap term papers on Self Actualization will highlight the man Maslow who coined this term. He emphasized that a self actualization man is career oriented, or goal dedicated. His concentration in purpose is higher than his care of his own self. The task is picked through free choice. Other features include imagination, hard work, voluntary desire to do work, and courage to face all. Cheap term papers discuss the basic human needs and motivation theory in management. The inborn need cannot be ignored as inconsequential in the work sphere. The need of growth is individualized in each of us. Management can take advantage of it for the progress of the organization. The individual must first understand his inner thoughts and then chart his way of life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family and Individualist Attitude

Not so long ago the best family structure was the father as the bread winner the mother as the household manager and lots of extended family. Industrialization changed family structure from joint family to nuclear family. The location of the dwelling changed but contact with the extended family was meticulously maintained. The behaviour was still moulded by traditions and through group following. Group had control over the individual. Gradually the cost of living compelled both partners to work outside the home and children grew up in an environment where time was scarce and the competition high. Each one had to fend for themselves. It was survival of the fittest. Some societies were more industrialized then the other. The social structure of most of the Western nations is individualistic whereas the Eastern nations are to some degree still collective in binding. This happened because more emphasis was given to individual achievement and calibre rather than that of the group. So the new trend seemed to say’ can I go my way?’

Individualism is affected by urbanization level of education and diversification of nuclear family structure. The pervious stereotypes have given way to new outlook learnt through media and reinforced by the educational system. The global adaptability shows through the varying degree of swing between traditionalistic and modern attitude. The individualistic attitude is shown through the behaviour when the individual is slackly connected to the group and preferably rigorously chases personal interests and not that of the social group. These individuals liked to be labelled as modern.
The mind set is characterised by such attitudes like freedom from parental control, membership with secondary groups, acceptance to innovation, conviction in science dogma, ambitious for good education and career, prefer government where public is taken into account etc. Conformity and individualism is two end of the same concept. Self reliance is the need of the hour.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Adulation, cynosure of all eyes, flashing bulbs, designer attire, physically attractive role model etc are terms all applicable to celebrity. Their life style is the dream of the millions. If we go into flash back mode and remember our childhood years the graphically remembered are the images and sound bites of the media. What they projected and how they projected we imbibed and created our attitude for reference to how we move how we dress and wish to live our life in general. Today we see media icons in all fields from politics to fund raising, to culture and social service. Fame has existed for centuries but celebrity is a twenty-first century new reflected facade. It compromises both the social and antisocial celebrity. In the media backroom many minds ponder over techniques to spirally route the popularity and rating of channels and newspapers and an icon is created in every field enduring reinforced effective disclosures.

A decade or more ago there was possibility that children hero-worshiped one of the family members, however now the place has been overtaken by celebrity. This happens because the public devours media coverage and affiliate with same values roles and gender yoke. It is not just the news but soap operate glossy magazines typifies personality. Media presents a consolidated global vision; the audience find an escape into fantasy and thus gratification of need. The public displays involved stirring actions towards the media.
The media beset glamorized power privilege, and mobility celebrity as achievers. These traits in themselves are not abhorred but when part of public begins to trend on lopsided image it is fixation where the bad from the good is not distinguished. The ideology put forward by media is instilled by educational institutes again reaffirmed by electronic media through billions of images globally every day. The desperation of paparazzi confirms personality fads which have lapped up the common man. It is time we were skeptical about the hyped images we see in media. It’s right to question media judgment.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Teacher verses technology for instruction

The term online tutor originated only recently with the global computer internet connectivity. The enterprising educationists saw this as a tool to propagate teaching. Thus began the journey of virtual class rooms where strong currency nations engaged qualified teachers from weak currency nations to tutor students through computer after school hours. The interface is the whiteboard for written work and explanations are made audible through voice software and headphones. The teachers engaged were qualified with a basic teaching degree; they are further trained through the internet in accent classes. The new trend delighted many but the core educationists were apprehensive of its long term repercussions.

Man is a social animal and enjoys face to face interactions. This basic need is fulfilled in class room situations. The judgment of each other is based not just on knowledge but also through body language eye expressions and the facial muscle movements. The teacher through these reading knows whether a concept has been understood or not. The students cannot leave the class without the permission of the teacher. All these parameters are lacking in a virtual class. Once the teacher is online she has no control if the student vanishes midway through the class. In formative years the child is not able to handle technology on his own and is easily distracted when communication is in-comprehensive to him.
There are certain other educational areas where technology is the only method to learn. In language learning tape recorder and cassettes work wonderfully for practice sessions. In the same way college students who enroll with far flung foreign universities for studies find computers very useful. Here the weekend contact classes are taken seriously and students benefit from virtual classes.
At present the classroom teaching has to be supplemented by virtual class rooms. Global interaction through technology can fill the gap of alienation, making the coming generation socially apt and confident in handling communities and technology. It is a wise decision to spend money in creating skilled teachers who at their discretion will charter the technology laden path.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Learning through Online education system

Learning, as we all know is an interactive process. In a traditional class room situation a teacher communicates with students to aid learning. It has been so for centuries but now computers have revolutionized education. The teaching interface in unison with technology based interactive mechanism, built through multifaceted video, audio, computer and networking technologies has made all that seemed impossible, possible. As soon as you log on the designated site at the appointed time you have access to the virtual classroom. Much different topological geography may separate the teacher and the taught but each one can view the other, hear the voice clearly and interact well throughout. Can we then predict with certainty that in coming years as the technology gets more refined the virtual classroom will no longer be a sheer figment of our imagination but a reality. At present online education is limited to tutorials on one to one ratio of child and teacher.

Online education is entitled by different names like web based-education, computer-mediated education, virtual education, online education and internet-based education; primarily they stand for the same thing-education through computer internet. All the educational content is passed on as text and classroom teaching is through whiteboard and lecture method. The facility of education is now available all day all time and at any place through computer and internet. Classrooms have now reached homes. The existing online educational institutes offer students the facility of internet resource library. At present it is presumed that college going students will benefit more from online learning centers than school going children because they are able to make intelligent choices. Moreover students for whom school was an impossible dream because of personal circumstances can enroll in online educational programmes and study from home.
Educational method is more democratic now. The policies were democratic but not the implementation. Technology has reached the remotest child with education at the door steps.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Lynching prejudice

The method of justice through human lynching has existed since ancient times. We now live in a civil society. Justice comes through the court and if mob choose to give justice, the procedure is very unfair because the victim is given no chance to prove innocence. Why do people take law into their hands and persecute. It is believed lynching occurs when bad times over-shadow good times and frustrations run high. Overt violence against the weak minority by the mob gives some measure of relief to the perpetuator. Those who enact such barbaric acts were once children.
Children manifest the racial attitude of the parents, teachers and peers. This is topped up by their own experience with the minority group. The less prejudiced the adults the better it for the children to maintain some extent of neutrality and restraint right from school days. They do not react with aggression on such issues like the superiority of races.

Lynching is execution of mob on racially weaker section of society without judicial system. The end result of lynching could be beheading, hanging or death by beating. It is mostly the attack by superior class on the under-privileged class. These vigilante group act like criminals even though they are law abiding in other spheres of life. In USA lynching prejudice was at its peak in 1892. During World War II Nazis officially carried out such execution against Jews killing six million of them; the next generation carried stereotype image of this race and discriminated against them. The whole concept is understood well in terms of historical perspective.

The mob which is an unruly crowd is together for a short term goal. Once the execution is completed all disperse in their own spheres of life. Crowd behaviour is crude with a sadist outlook. There are many international organizations which mediate to prevent such holocaust.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elder Population Manhandling

Elder abuse is a prevalent and persistent occurrence the world over. Social workers, doctors, nursing staff, psychiatrists and surveys all point towards mistreatment of fragile elder population by near and dear ones or even those who are entrusted with their up keeping. Our affordable research papers will high light the plight of the elders on basis of research conclusions.

As you go through our affordable research papers you will discover that this type of abuse is almost as common as child abuse. The rate is spirally up as couple move to work place and has little time for the family.

The first study in this field made an appearance in a journal in 1978 in USA emphasizing active neglect of the elders. Not much was done at that time. Abuse begins to steadily get bad as mental and physical dependence of the elder increases; approximate time is the age of 70s and as women live longer than men they suffer more at ripe age. Our Affordable research papers are meticulously prepared and are authentic in information.
The physical, psychological and financial abuse is not curtailed to one incident a day but is a collective form of conduct by the caregiver displayed in body language, abusive scolding and not tendering needs or doing them with a threat. It sounds horrible; our affordable research papers will in detail explore its causes and remedies.
In earlier times elder abuse was a secret within the family; as family members themselves catered to the needs of the elders, very little information leaked out among friends and relatives. In our affordable research papers related to Elder Population mishandling you will be shocked to read that even today no systematic large scale study has been done; we have some short studies and on basis of these no policy can be formulated. Property inheritance plays a crucial role. Procure the affordable research papers today and get set on your term paper. Good luck to you!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Best Term Papers

Term papers are mandatory part of the higher education system. It is taxing if the title choice is like aiming in the dark. Some best term papers are selected but left half way through when sustained systemic consistency wanes. Do not be fickle; choose a topic like EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY. It deals in-depth with the happening of an event say an accident or a murder in the presence of an individual. At a later date this person(s) are asked to appear as witness in court with description of the event through memory sequentially; but is such account precise and accurate?
For the best term papers the whole gamut of the phenomenon has to explore its validity lest an innocent person is punished by the court and past records show it is not unlikely.

A lot of research has gone into eyewitness testimony. The professionals that a witness deals with are the police, lawyer and the victim. How valuable is error ridden memory? Why pair of eyewitness come up with different description of the same event? How can bias be nullified? The best term papers will deal in totality with the positive and negative aspect of the age, mental make-up, social standing, family, educational background and influence of institutions, race, clan etc on the person. This evidence is pivotal and cannot be omitted.

Studies by an American psychologist Loftus in the year 1979 and Hugo Munsterberg 1916 stated that the way the questions are framed and answers later assessed effect the dependability of the evidence. All these will be part of best term papers and many more.
Once you decide to write the best term papers on Eyewitness Testimony or Criminal Justice, we will be there to assist you in detail systematically. Some of the experiments can be played online to get the feel of the concept. So do not look at the best term papers work as formidable; we are here to assist you in your endeavour.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Eco Enemies

Development is friendly to culture, to society and to every one of us, but essentially it is not necessary that whatever befriends development is friendly to humanity. Deforestation may be posing to make ample space for new technologies and infrastructure building, but it rules out the fact that it is coming to us only for a price. For example, cutting down tress is definitely not helping us in any way. Even if a person thinks that cutting them down is beneficiary, it reflects the short sightedness he perceives and morally disapproves of any kindness to the environment. What lies ahead of us is the visual impact that our actions might convert into after we continue with our inability to adjust with the incorrigible thinking. Also, any step that we must precede to the advancement should importantly not include any compromise on nature. Our practice to build technologies is after all, coming back to us as a devil in disguise.

Movements are important but what is more important is to realize the purpose behind them that drives us to achieve the target priorities. Similarly we must maintain congruent feelings of the ideas that they contain within so as to ensure the propagation quite effectively. Even after perpetual public outcries and adamant leaders, little has been achieved to what we have been doing to Mother Nature. She still gasps in the deadly effluents that continue to drain out and pouting in the endless water bodies. However, we do not stop cribbing for tendencies that demarcate the eco unfriendliness and our misled steps to apocalypse. Our continual bragging for unattained achievements makes more of the deeds than any constructive ideas. Exactly, this is what one might perceive from this article too, but if read with a thorough clear conscience the only sole motto that whispers from behind is; we must befriend nature and not be enemies with her to satisfy our immediate egos.

Best Term Paper

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cracking Interviews

You are sitting right in front of the person who is primarily going to decide whether you are ‘that’ lucky person who will outbreak all the competition and emerge as a candidate who wins his heart. The interviewer has to be not just explained what he demands but also be convinced with your interpretations of the ideas that are being conversed about at that very moment. Fundamentally, the presentation of yourself is the deciding factor that bases interaction between you and the jury panel. However, there is something more important than everything else that concludes your result in your examination during the interview; that is the ‘projection’ of your words!

It is a imperative that the behavior of a human fluctuates and meanders owing to the time guidelines that follows with the human psyche simultaneously. That is what a student who goes for an interview must understand- To win the interviewer’s heart at every cost; even when his mood may not be in your favor to hire you. Therefore, the student has to gel with his mood, get absorbed in his character and try to understand what his requirements are. This should necessarily not be confused with losing your identity; what is required here is to be decently flexible to the situation that we must respect for in order to enter the door.

A student should never succumb to others ideas and suggestions easily; he must respect his own ideas and philosophy and retain his originality. At the very time of an interview, he must respect the interviewer’s ideas simultaneously but also project his original ideas in a way that does not conflict with the former. To illustrate this, a student may say, “I do respect your ideas sir and pose to be very pragmatic, but I feel that my execution had been a result of time factor that best suited to the circumstance.” To end all debates he may also say, “I am thankful to you for the most apt suggestion you have offered me for the occasion and I assure you to follow it when and where the time demands.”
Students must contain an appetite for their will powers that drive them to their potential abilities. To be capable of doing things is a matter of the ‘ability’ a person encompasses within that originates only from his will power. This is exactly how you crack a hard nut!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Global Warming !

When we acknowledge the virtues of our lives to mother nature; how she nurtures us with all resources that she has, we fail to reciprocate to her debts. We consolidate ourselves with the little knowledge we have and we do not realize that the entire universe has billion other things to teach us which we are incapable of learning otherwise. However, we tend to swindle the world by simply saying that what we are dealing with is of utter importance and we ourselves need not bother for something that the entire world can solve. Why do we need to worry for something when we have others to worry about it?

If this is our approach to vision the world which is now heating up due to our torture that is being added on gradually with the amount of global material wastes; there is unquestionably a doomsday in the making. We humans have taken the initiative to enrage Mother Nature which in turn shows its wrath in the form of natural catastrophes. Global warming is just one of the weapons which are being used upon us in retaliation to our cruel deeds towards her. Sadly, we have not taken any measures to stop this or make an attempt to put an end to the nature’s aggression. This has become our least priority and we dogmatically believe that our own survival is the key without taking into consideration the irreversible damage being caused to the world every day.

The Nature is warning us by mild attacks that is predominantly a symptom of a great apocalypse. The predicted apocalypse in 2012 may or may not be true, but with the undue advantage that we have been taking by mere misusing of the world’s resources and doing not as much as we can to recuperate to the loss is a continual application that will soon decide our fate to the doomed day. The depletion of the ozone layer may be counted in as one of the quickest ways to invite the end and not preventing it is just a catalyst that we are serving to the process.

What we assume of a progress to the human kind with the technological advances, it is, in fact just deterioration in disguise which will eventually blast off with an explosion with an intensity that will engulf everything. Global warming is a major concern for us which needs immediate action. If we stop attending to this concern called Global Warming, this may bring an end to the evil humanity that is working its very best to consume itself like a cannibal within.


How to Write a Research Paper on History- Encrypting Scripts

Writing something that has already taken place in a particular time of the past essentially needs to build in an appetite to only engulf the truth. An author who writes about history is always vulnerable to controversies and his writings are always jeopardized. What goes in the making of the script is a pure piece of authentic story that does necessarily relate to the historic relevance and is absolutely devoid of unnecessary details.

A writer writing a research paper on History has to be precisely correct and authentic all the way through lest he includes any emotional statements in his articles. Even a degree of deviation in stating the correctness can hamper the events in the history and eventually mislead the readers who can be prospective dependants on the parameters mentioned, thus ruining an entire generation’s knowledge. This can very well be related to writing on stones that remains permanent throughout the periods of the eras in the world. Engraving knowledge with your words is just not an easy task to accomplish.

This is a prime reason that authors of history are not ordinary writers and are highly skilled and perfectionists in their own field of knowledge. It is very essential to go deep in the arena of a specific subject and deal in particulars before you deliver it to others. What a historian communicates is what is being encrypted on the minds that are hungry for authentic knowledge.
